Saturday, March 14, 2015

I read the article C.I.A Cash Ended Up in Coffers of Al Qaeda by Mathew Rosenberg. It was about the U.S. funding the Afghanistan government by sending them cash. Once it is there in cash form they can do anything they want with it. The U.S. found records of them using it to fund Al Qaeda. So the U.S. was spending money to give to the people they are trying to fight. I think this is quiet shocking. We are giving money to people who are trying to kill us. The U.S. government spends way to much money as it is, but giving to Al Qaeda is just ridiculous. The U.S. government should be more careful with their money and know how to spend it. They should also know how o send it. Giving a country who is home to one of the largest terrorist groups in the world cash is a bad idea.  

Sunday, March 1, 2015

I read the article "Time to tackle unfinished business in criminal justice reform" by Eric J. Holder, Jr. , Attorney General of the United States. It's about Holder's opinion that minimum sentencing guidelines need to be reformed. I have mixed feelings about this argument. I think that people who do more dangerous drugs and get people hurt or killed shouldn't get a chance to have a shorter sentence. On the other hand people who do less dangerous drugs that don't get people hurt shouldn't have to sit in jail for a long period of time.