Thursday, May 14, 2015

I read Voting: A step back, it was about the methods of voting. Paper has been the most accurate and has been used for a long time. It has been used for a long time because we know it works. It has a disadvantage though. It is slow for the voter and even slower when counting the votes. This article said the faster way is not as accurate, which is electronic. Voting machines are much fast and more convenient. What got my attention is it mentioned using tablets instead. I thought that was perfect for voting. Tablets are small and easy to ship to voting locations. They are cheeper than laptops or voting machines. They are very popular in modern society. Most people know how to use them and they have built in accommodations for people with disability's. Thats lots of reasons why we should use tablets for voting. With technology getting more and more advanced tablets will advance as well. They are becoming more easy to use and have less handling problems. Also with the big saving the environment thing going on it will help save trees form using less paper. All in all using tablets for voting is a great idea.          

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