Friday, April 10, 2015

I read Leadership and immigrat issue and it talked about how America is with leadership. America's government is one of the best in the world. A lot of countries look up to us for help. Lot of people say that our government is bad or never gets stuff done.Yes our government is slow sometimes but no government is perfect. The stuff we do get done is done right and thats because a lot of thought goes into our decisions. We take our time to do it right, it could be the other way around and be fast and careless.

The government does have one big problem. It doesn't have as much power to the people as it should. The citizens should have more say in what goes on. People in America don't feel like they have a big say in what goes on in the country. We have more of a say then we think. Our voter turn out rates are very low and should be higher. It isn't our governments fault we don't show up to vote. Thats the publics and we should take more responsibility as a country. Voters are the back bone of the government. The government is only as good as its voters. The voters always blame our government when they arn't doing anything them-selfs. So who to blame the voters or the government?  

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