Friday, April 3, 2015

U.S Buget

The United States one of the highest debts. We barrow so much money from many countries, can't pay it back. Yet the government spends millions on parties and vacations for our officials. Why we spend so much money on these things I don't know. We put our men over seas to try to make other countries democracies. The amount of money we spend to do that is crazy. Why are we over there messing with other countries when we have lots of work to do in our own. The U.S government should be more careful on what they spend on.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cole, yes I agree with your point and I would like to elaborate with some background information on this topic so we can have better understanding of the issue of US Budget and the effect and causes of its deficit.
    Currently, the United States had uncontrollable debt exceeding Eighteen Trillion Dollars. During the presidency of George H W Bush and shortly after the end of the Gulf war and the liberation of Kuwait, the United States government seems to put itself in situations where we as a country end up fighting and dying for other countries' interests.
    During the Clinton administration, president Clinton took several steps to eliminate the deficit, control the debt and he found ways to bring back the Golden word to the United States' budget; Surplus.
    In the year 2000, a major calamity hit the United States and its people. The Supreme Court took s decision to hand George W Bush a win over Vice President Al Gore. Many Americans had hoped that the presidency of Al Gore would be a continuation of President Bill Clinton's policies in issues like not interfering in other counties' politics and wars, enhance the Surplus and taking more aggressive steps to slow down Global Warming.
    There's a huge segment of the Unites States' population believes that the attacks of 9-11 were the inside job planned and executed to create a reason for the United States and convince the American people to invade Afghanistan and shortly after the Invasion of Iraq.
    An answer to your question, why are we messing with other countries is; there are multiple reasons that I will discuss briefly. The immense powers and money given to Lobbyists who are working on the behalf of major corporations such as Halliburton, Koch Brothers, Lock hart Martin, and Northrop Grumman should be illegal.
    The US military is being deployed all over the world because these lobbyists are financing US politicians from all ranks. So a huge chunk of tax payer's money is going towards building and rebuilding US military bases overseas. Another huge chunk of money is going towards weapon system. The Pentagon itself asked the administration not to finance. There are other reasons behind keeping bases opened all over the world. There are politicians still believe that the American Empire must have the upper hand and must stay in control of many parts of the world.
    I personally believe that we can cut the deficit, control spending by shutting down or reducing US military bases in America and overseas. We, as people of America must find ways to stop our government from sending our troops to useless and endless wars and the American Public must be educated on where their money is being spent.
    Imagine, if we could have One Trillion dollars that we spent in Afghanistan back into the US economy we could have spent this money on Cancer research, rebuilding our highways, rebuilding our crumbling school system, build a more efficient transportation system and pay our educators better salaries to produce more enlighten generation of America.
