Thursday, May 14, 2015

I read Voting: A step back, it was about the methods of voting. Paper has been the most accurate and has been used for a long time. It has been used for a long time because we know it works. It has a disadvantage though. It is slow for the voter and even slower when counting the votes. This article said the faster way is not as accurate, which is electronic. Voting machines are much fast and more convenient. What got my attention is it mentioned using tablets instead. I thought that was perfect for voting. Tablets are small and easy to ship to voting locations. They are cheeper than laptops or voting machines. They are very popular in modern society. Most people know how to use them and they have built in accommodations for people with disability's. Thats lots of reasons why we should use tablets for voting. With technology getting more and more advanced tablets will advance as well. They are becoming more easy to use and have less handling problems. Also with the big saving the environment thing going on it will help save trees form using less paper. All in all using tablets for voting is a great idea.          

Friday, May 1, 2015

Gun restrictions

So I see a lot of people talk about the terrible shootings that happen. People get mad that these people can go buy semi-auto weapons and use them for violence. Some people want semi-auto weapons should be banned from the U.S. or have lots of restrictions on them. They say that these guys are evil and should go away. What people don't understand is it's not the gun it's the shooter behind it. Guns are not the problem and the government shouldn't put anymore restrictions on buy guns. It's hard enough to get a semi-auto gun already. Where I come from these types of firearms are part of our life style. If we need to help control this then the government should put more restrictions on people that have mental issues. We should do more testing or something to see if it's save for them to live on their own or have firearms. It's not hard for someone to get their hands on a semi-auto firearm. Something should be done and it's not the firearms. It's the people who pull the trigger that need the restrictions. 

Friday, April 10, 2015

I read Leadership and immigrat issue and it talked about how America is with leadership. America's government is one of the best in the world. A lot of countries look up to us for help. Lot of people say that our government is bad or never gets stuff done.Yes our government is slow sometimes but no government is perfect. The stuff we do get done is done right and thats because a lot of thought goes into our decisions. We take our time to do it right, it could be the other way around and be fast and careless.

The government does have one big problem. It doesn't have as much power to the people as it should. The citizens should have more say in what goes on. People in America don't feel like they have a big say in what goes on in the country. We have more of a say then we think. Our voter turn out rates are very low and should be higher. It isn't our governments fault we don't show up to vote. Thats the publics and we should take more responsibility as a country. Voters are the back bone of the government. The government is only as good as its voters. The voters always blame our government when they arn't doing anything them-selfs. So who to blame the voters or the government?  

Friday, April 3, 2015

U.S Buget

The United States one of the highest debts. We barrow so much money from many countries, can't pay it back. Yet the government spends millions on parties and vacations for our officials. Why we spend so much money on these things I don't know. We put our men over seas to try to make other countries democracies. The amount of money we spend to do that is crazy. Why are we over there messing with other countries when we have lots of work to do in our own. The U.S government should be more careful on what they spend on.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

I read the article C.I.A Cash Ended Up in Coffers of Al Qaeda by Mathew Rosenberg. It was about the U.S. funding the Afghanistan government by sending them cash. Once it is there in cash form they can do anything they want with it. The U.S. found records of them using it to fund Al Qaeda. So the U.S. was spending money to give to the people they are trying to fight. I think this is quiet shocking. We are giving money to people who are trying to kill us. The U.S. government spends way to much money as it is, but giving to Al Qaeda is just ridiculous. The U.S. government should be more careful with their money and know how to spend it. They should also know how o send it. Giving a country who is home to one of the largest terrorist groups in the world cash is a bad idea.  

Sunday, March 1, 2015

I read the article "Time to tackle unfinished business in criminal justice reform" by Eric J. Holder, Jr. , Attorney General of the United States. It's about Holder's opinion that minimum sentencing guidelines need to be reformed. I have mixed feelings about this argument. I think that people who do more dangerous drugs and get people hurt or killed shouldn't get a chance to have a shorter sentence. On the other hand people who do less dangerous drugs that don't get people hurt shouldn't have to sit in jail for a long period of time.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Illegals getting tax returns

I read this article about illegals getting tax returns if they file for them. I think it's unfair that someone who is not a U.S. citizen can get tax returns. Illegals don't pay taxes as well so why should they get the money. People who are not members of this country shouldn't get tax returns, even more so if the don't pay taxes in the first place. Here is the link to the article ( This article is worth reading because it's interesting to see  how our government works. Sometimes it can be aggravating what happens like giving illegals tax returns.